liber V
leaving duluth we stopped for supplies and made some informal decisions
to camp the night. after an hour or so of joking, smoking, and driving
back south we picked a state park just off the interstate. in fact
i remember the highway cutting right through the path of several, guiding
us to our history, taking us to our fate. after pitching the tent and
struggling to start a fire with freshly dampened wood. we even bought
some at the gate, like good little tourists, but it was wet as well.
so to no avail and 6 beers later,
we went for a tromp through the woods. we had some map they gave us at
the gate, like good little tourists but failed to remember to bring it,
like good little tourists.
following the path in circles it seemed. losing the path altogether
and deciding to just get moving toward some river the rangers had mentioned.
bushwack those ferns. hop this log. ohh whats that. looks like somebody's
home. a nice nest i'm guessing. and then the rush of the st. croix river
running in the distance. a herd of horses passing in a breeze. finding a
simple place to sit and gaze into the river's flow, we took off our shoes and
socks to dangle our feet in the fresh clean water. still without a shower.
busting out the whiskey. he staked some claim that there were animals and
creepy crawlies in the water. i assured him "yeah, probably, leeches
main..." "Leeches!" it escaped him before i had finished. "yeah, no big deal,
you probably won't catch anthing." i was unaware of how my up bringing
had been nothing but well-rounded, but lacking discipline. i couldn't
understand the aversion to life but to each their own. needless to say
after several conversations exaulting our pride that we were on our own
a few spats to see who might fall in, and fumbling with our wit and
strange associations, his feet were covered in leeches. i counted
at least 5 just on his right foot. after laughing and gathering the
humor in the moment, i helped him pick them off, or maybe he did that himself.
drying our feet, rolling on our socks, stringing up our shoes, we headed
back the road we took, a pet-peev of mine, but it had turned dark, and i decided
not voice this. getting back to the site we though it might be a good idea
to move camp. we were the only one's around, it seemed, except for that old
couple who have probably lived there since march, the only one's that mattered.
throwing the tent on the car, sleeping bags and all, who wants to undo whats just
been done. we drove the 500 feet or so to a campsite with some more cover, rain
was brewing in the air. after settling in and getting a fire started, finally,
we got out dinner and went to town. cutting up this, chopping that, frying up
some salami and cheese on a make shift skillet. we played music and laughed into
the evening. two together at the hour of the wolf. howling at the moon.
i wonder why i had not done this earlier. i had the opportunities. i had
the self-reliance. and the luck. this was great and i believe he felt the same.
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